
» » Strife: TRAINER AND CHEATS (V1.0.33)

Strife: TRAINER AND CHEATS (V1.0.33)

If you came to this page, you were probably looking for cheats for Strife. The options include useful features such as Unlimited Health,Unlimited Stamina,Unlimited Dead Eye and some others.

Game description:
Strife for PC is a free-to-play multiplayer MOBA mixing arcade, strategy, and RPG elements. The game was developed by S2 Games, the studio known from Heroes of Newerth. PlotThe action takes place in a fantasy universe full of magic and unique races whose origins and story can be learned in the course of the game. The present-day events are shaped by the actions of the players, while the main website of the game contains numerous stories and comics that allow a glimpse into the events from a different perspective. MechanicsStrife is a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena). Each match sees the encounter of two groups of heroes, with each character controlled by a human player. All heroes are equipped with a number of unique special abilities, amassing experience that enables them to improve their statistics and buy new talents. The objective of each round is to destroy the enemy base. Interestingly enough, the authors introduced a number of features that aim to improve some of the shortcomings found in other MOBAs, including a karma system that stresses player on player cooperation and supporting less experienced players. Unfriendly and game breaking militants receive fewer points, which helps the community in recognizing and avoiding them. Finally, we’ve received a number of systems that enable us to notice and analyze our own mistakes and weak points. The game also offers an adjusted communication system with the restricted use of the general and voice chats – we are left without a general channel for all participants of the match, forcing us to choose who we want to contact instead. Moreover, we cannot see the cooldown periods for other members of our team. Strife is a free-to-play game with microtransactions that are mostly boost-oriented.

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You can use trainer for game that already installed.

Strife: TRAINER AND CHEATS (V1.0.33):

Strife: TRAINER AND CHEATS (V1.0.33)

Function list:
• F1 Edit: Name
• F2 Current SP
• F3 Fast Research
• F4 Edit: Armor Picked Up Limit
• F5 Free Perk Upgrades
• F6 Unlimited Remaining Turns
• F7 Edit: NPC Health 6

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Date Added:26-01-2022, 07:21
Downloads:Downloaded 10075 times
Verified: users rating (4.40 stars)

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