
» » Trainer for Animal Crossing: Wild World [v1.0.5]

Trainer for Animal Crossing: Wild World [v1.0.5]

If you came to this page, you were probably looking for cheats for Animal Crossing: Wild World. The options include useful features such as Unlimited Health,Unlimited Stamina,Unlimited Dead Eye and some others.

Game description:
Players move into a living, breathing world inside the Nintendo DS...and then invite their friends to visit from anywhere on earth. •In this sequel to the wildly popular Nintendo GameCube game, players and up to three friends can hang out in the same village and interact in real time – either through wireless LAN or over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Now players can visit a friend’s village from thousands of miles away. •The touch screen makes item management and world navigation a breeze. Typing letters and designing patterns are now just stylus strokes away. •Days and seasons pass in real time, so whether players want to decorate their homes, catch bugs or fish, collect brand-new items like hats and sunglasses or just chat with the wild and wacky characters in their villages, there’s always something to do. Storyline Players make their own stories. A player and up to three friends move into a village and just live life, extend a home, interact with their neighbors and explore the village. Characters Much of the cast of the original Animal Crossing returns, including animals of all shapes and personality types: K.K. Slider, Tom Nook, Blathers, Mr. Resetti and more. There are also a number of new characters. How to Progress through the Game Players move into village, buy a small house and then do whatever they want. Time and seasons pass as they do in the real world, so there will always be something unpredictable happening. Collect or buy items, talk to neighbors, go fishing, catch bugs, dig up treasure or hang out with human friends.

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You can use trainer for game that already installed.

Trainer for Animal Crossing: Wild World [v1.0.5]:

Trainer for Animal Crossing: Wild World [v1.0.5]

Function list:
• F1 Mega Silver Coins
• F2 AI Won't Attack Buildings
• F3 Unlimited Jetpack Fuel
• F4 Infinite Shield Energy
• F5 Edit: Skill Points Left To Spend
• F6 Maximum Skills

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Date Added:3-10-2022, 03:32
Downloads:Downloaded 9573 times
Verified: users rating (4.48 stars)

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